Aliens are real, and so is imagination.

Dicen por ahí que el papel "aguanta todo", pero cuando se nos ocurrió empezar un proyecto cuya misión era "cambiar el mundo" tocó buscar madera donde escribir.

Tocó soñar despiertos y programar dormidos. Tocó decirnos a nosotros mismos qué hacer, cuándo hacerlo, y cómo. Desayunar, almorzar, y (aveces) comer Fe.

4 años, cientos de horas de cátedras universitarias, miles de miles de líneas de código, y 5 letras después, les presentamos a Tutor Learning Suite: la red social educativa que cambiará la educación en Colombia y el mundo -- un perfil a la vez.

Queremos compartir con ustedes lo que ha sido esta última semana de Lanzamiento en distintos medios. Gracias a quienes nos apoyaron, al Programa Avanza Atlántico de la Cámara de Comercio, y a Dios.

Entrevista en El Heraldo

Entrevista en CV Noticias

Para más información sobre nosotros, visiten software.ozonelabs.us y tutor.ozonelabs.us.
También pueden escribirnos un email a marketing@ozonelabs.us.

Siempre he oído que la clientela en la Costa es "infiel", pero he llegado a convencerme de que las "infieles" son las empresas que les venden.

Un día están con los clientes y otro no, un día les hablan y otro no, un día son dadivosas y el otro no. ¿Le suena familiar? Es el patrón de toda relación tormentosa. Me preocupa que aún haya empresas que crean que con una promoción desesperada van a conseguir clientes. Si usted es una de ellas, déjeme contarle que la fidelidad de marca no se improvisa. Y una cosa más, que el cliente "huele" el desespero, y le huye.

Si algo, la fidelidad del cliente es un proceso que toma tiempo, esfuerzo, y muchísima atención al detalle. La siguiente pregunta es, ¿qué tanto está dispuesto a invertir en ese proceso, y en esos detalles? "Cómo incrementa los ingresos esta nueva página web" o "en qué sube las ganancias que yo decore el lugar" son preguntas que nublan la importancia de invertir en sus clientes. Es tan absurdo como empezar una relación sentimental preguntándose cuántos hijos llegará a tener.

No creo que Andrés Jaramillo (de Andrés Carne de Res) alguna vez se haya preguntado para qué pasar tantas horas convirtiendo chatarra en arte, o que el Grupo Éxito haya dudado por un segundo colmar sus almacenes con pantallas Full HD. Sobretodo cuando "para que Full HD, si con HD da lo mismo." Ese compromiso imperturbable con su clientela y obstinada vocación por la excelencia. Esa rutina de sorprender es lo que genera fidelidad de marca.

Sus clientes prefieren recibir una rosa cada día que un arreglo gigante cada mes. Y usted, ¿cómo está enamorándolos hoy?

Nuestros portales web interactivos, email marketing, y publicidad dinámica digital están diseñados para construir, fortalecer, y extender esa relación con sus clientes.

Contáctenos ya mismo en www.ozonelabs.com.co para empezar a revolucionar su marca.

¿Por qué una gran empresa que sabe lo que vende y a quién se lo ofrece necesita escribir esa corta frasesita que llamamos Misión? Es como preguntarnos por qué unas personas como los apóstoles decidieron escribir testamentos, o por qué los arquitectos necesitan maquetas. Hay un momento, en el agite del día a día y la escasez de recursos que se nos olvida de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. Hay veces que necesitamos que alguien nos recuerde nuestra esencia, y quién mejor que nosotros mismos -- que la hemos dejado escrita en algún momento de lucidez.

Las grandes empresas del mundo las tienen. Pero no por eso son grandes, son grandes por que creen en ellas y las viven todos los días. Muchos no entienden por qué una fábrica de dinero debe interesarse por los principios. A ellos una respuesta: Sin principios, no hay fines. No hay un sentido de propósito, se pierden los motivos, se trabaja por que sí. La gente renuncia, te cansas, vas al trabajo por inercia. Si en nuestro corazón la empresa no representa más que billetes, aún esos se irán.

Los invito a ver este corto clip de Jerry McGuire, un célebre personaje de Tom Cruise que pierde todo el día que decide traer una misión a su empresa. Y que gana todo también.

Si quieren que los ayudemos a planear su empresa estratégicamente, no duden en contactarnos a marketing@ozonelabs.us y visitar www.ozonelabs.com.co.

¡Hasta la próxima semana!

Cualquiera que haya visitado Nueva York entiende lo que una pantalla brillante, grande, y colorida puede hacerle a un consumidor. Ayer era usted, de pie frente a las grandes marcas del mundo que intentaban hipnotizarlo hasta sus puertas. Hoy sigue siendo usted, pero ahora la marca es suya, y los hiptonizados sus clientes. Gracias a los avances en el desarrollo de pantallas de alta definición, Internet banda ancha, y CPUs, le tenemos una buena noticia: ahora usted tendrá su propio Time Square.

Las aplicaciones del Digital Signage, como se le conoce al uso de pantallas para publicidad dinámica, son infinitas. Y esta no es una frase de cajón. Sencillamente ponemos a su disposición una ventana publicitaria e informativa que le ayudará a vender desde eventos internos hasta infinidad de productos en promoción. ¿Impresiones engorrosas? ¿Desperdicio de papel? ¿Actualizaciones costosas? ¿Menús desactualizados? Desaparecimos todo eso. Sabíamos que usted nos lo agradecería.

Lo invitamos a contactarnos para saber más sobre Scoop – nuestra flexible plataforma de Digital Signage.

Escríbanos un email a marketing@ozonelabs.us e ingrese a www.ozonelabs.com.co. Aquí encontrará todo sobre Scoop bajo la sección de Software.

Esta semana el equipo ha estado sumergido en el mundo del Digital Signage. Y cuando digo sumergido, hablo literalmente: no hemos hecho otra cosa que ahogarnos, y salir a flote, y volver a ahogarnos. Todo por que ayer teníamos que entregar la primera versión de nuestro Plan de Negocios para Scoop Digital Signage -- un proyecto que pronto abrirá sus puertas en la Costa Norte Colombiana.

Si quieren saber más sobre Scoop, ingresen a software.ozonelabs.us. Cuéntennos qué les parece, boten ideas, comentarios, quejas, que aquí todo sirve.

Debajo, el logotipo del proyecto que nos viene quitando el sueño, y el hambre, y la plata de paso.

This project for a renowned Colombian TV host was tons of fun. Stephanie Bradford is a versatile, young, beautiful and experienced on-air talent whose dynamic personality can deliver a presence unlike any other. She hosts "Tu Estilo," an entertainment show on L.A.’s number one Spanish language network.

We wanted her site to reflect her passionate, professional personality and a strong connection to her fans' social graph. The vibrant color palette and social bar at the bottom of the screen help us show her as the approachable human being she is, while the bold sans serif type in her name conveys her unyielding professionalism. The background tune, selected by Stephanie herself, blends well with the layout and her amazing photo shoot. Congrats Stephanie, our best wishes for you today and always!

Check out our newest infographic-- Tiny Users, Creating Websites that Stick.

Among our fellow web designers, there is a growing trend to create layouts that target young children's specific needs. With their growing online population and segment-specific demands, they have become a challenge for information architects, software engineers, interface designers, and programmers alike. The key to understanding their online behavior seems to lie in observation – as they can barely report what their preferences are. Kid usability, thus, has become an interesting area to explore, and this is the topic that we've addressed on the infographic below. Hope you love it as much as we do!

So I had to create a set of infographics for a weather article about how ridiculous it is that citizens from Colombia's North Coast are paying 0 attention to the issue of global warming. Here you go, by 2050 the Sierra Nevada won't be Nevada anymore. Is that enough to pay attention now?

Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner, and of course we had to come up with an awesome idea to rock it. The IMC strategy for May consists of (same ol') print table talkers, outdoor banner, and a new tool: Adver-teasing. We recommended our client mixed the largest Margarita in town to generate WOM and increase visits. This, of course, embedded in the whole "Mexican theme" for May. This is what we call Adver-teasing: the practice of coming up with ideas that will spark people's curiosity and hopefully drive them where we want them to go.

There's also a couple of non-mexican teasers for the "posh night out": a wine tasting night (with awesome entree pairings), an "All that Jazz" one-night festival, and a little Vegas to spice everything up. And, just because we had to throw something slightly kinky out there, the whole Nurse Day "Get your Shots" word play. You're welcome, party animals.

So, really let us know what you think. We love your comments. Keep them coming.

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Well, not out out... But I pre-launched it this morning at American University's Honors Capstone Research Conference!

Sent from my iPhone

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So these are the kinds of silly things they make you do in Business courses. How the hell is a creative supposed to make electronic sensors look remotely attractive? Oh well, here's my try. What would you have done?

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So the most eccentric pimp on earth is 84 today, and I can't believe I'm celebrating. Yet I am, so here is our design-ey way of saying Happy Birthday. It is a series of ads that we're running for the pub we work for, here they are:

Also, do check out our promo video in Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWjGH2U99i4

We love to hear what you guys think!

So guys have a right to know the secret too right?
This is what inspired me in creating this hypothetical brand extension for Victoria's Secret.

It comes with a love letter, though:

Dear men,
I know you love being superheros, so here's your shot guys: go ahead and be a Gigolo tonight.
No, really. We'll pay you with the best underwear you'll ever own.
VS Angels

I run into way too many overly fancy ads that (ab)use stock images, like if that guaranteed success. Well let me tell you something: it doesn't. A picture can be worth a thousand words, true. But it can also fight against the few words you've so carefully created and completely defeat the purpose of your copy. This is something I've grown tired of. And guess what, your readers too.

So when a friend approached me asking for a flyer design to advertise a national student conference, I knew exactly where I wanted to begin: the title. So I spent about an hour just staring at it. What did the "Opportunities and Prospects" wording mean? I looked for a single, unifying theme across the entire agenda. The idea that Colombia is a country with great untapped potential slowly came to me. It was being reinforced by every topic under discussion.

That's when I began thinking of objects that reminded me of opportunities and potential. I thought of opening doors, keys and paths. Because paths have been way too overdone, I moved on with the keys. Something had to be special about this key. How about the country itself? How about the key (this conference, the youth, our discussions) becoming the only way to unveil the potential of our troubled nation?

Good enough.

The copy married the image and this is what came out.

Sometimes I wake up and nothing is making sense. I've hesitated with these graphics for hours, and when I seem to have figured out a decent layout, fonts just don't seem to fit. Time and client-pressured, nonetheless, I manage to pull out something that looks...well...OK. But if you're anything like me OK is just a label for Oklahoma, not something that you want to call your amazing, mind-blasting work. Right?

So this is what a perfectionist designer does when sketches are less than perfect, and creativity doesn't want to wake up -- when you need her the most.

Back to the Start
OK, so that's when I decide to scrap everything. For us designers that also means scrapping a bit of our own ego and time, as we feel that every little vector or snippet is our absolutely most powerful work of art. And yet it isn't. And when it isn't, less is lost if we just start again from 0. This is something that can take years to learn, but just as a thinking exercise, think about what other "completely outrageous" idea you could come up with at this point. I've had entire projects changed after a considerable time investment, but that's OK. It pays off.

Open your eyes
People in the industry will call this an "Advertising Audit", where you check out everything that's been done before to get a sense for what the brand/company is, sounds like, feels like, and how it's touched its customer base in the past. Also, please tell your egocentric inner friend to shut up and start reading other people's blogs. This should be enjoyable. Forget about lengthy, tedious, academic journals. I'm talking empirical research here. Rich, inspiring media, like videos, music files, image galleries, activation campaigns, blog posts, everything --thank God-- is online.

Live the brand
As with everything else, there's also a fancy name for this. It's called brand experience analysis, and it is basically you taking the product/service you are advertising for and going through the regular customer's experience. What does it feel like? If it were a person, what would it be like? How would it talk to others? What would its favorite movie be? All these questions, though rather abstract, have helped me come up with authentic campaigns. After all, if your ads don't sound like your brand speaking, they'll sound like
you are, and that completely defeats the point. People hate advertisers.

Color, color, color!
For me, everything usually starts with a simple color palette. There are many great websites to find these, but I absolutely love Colourlovers. This will just make your design more cohesive, as you stick to a few coordinated hues to execute everything.

Type Wonderland
If color gets design started, it's definitely Type that fuels it up. However, there are so many free/cheap typefaces out there that the task can be daunting. Fortunately, though, many others have blogged about fab typefaces that serve specific purposes. What's yours?

These few, yet powerful steps should be enough to get you in the right direction. Hey, if you're stuck, how about sending me your work and we'll figure it out? Sounds good? Awesome.

So this is what we came up with for Embassy Pub's St. Patrick's Week Madness 2010. The pieces include a table talker, an exterior poster, and a viral video to be spread via YouTube.

Let us know what you think through here or email us at marketing@ozonelabs.us. Also, follow us in Twitter @whatsinthelab or Facebook as "Ozone Labs". We love to hear what you think!

Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9KgNM8jZGI

Has it ever occurred to you that cooking can teach a couple of lessons about design? A couple of weeks ago I started posting Flickr finds on different meals that looked inspiring and all of a sudden followers were really clicking through. I realized something about food was really, literally, sticky.

Here's the thing: we've been eating sumptuous meals all our lives that have probably been prepared by others. Just like we've been looking at advertisements others designed, websites that others made, and marketing that came out of someone else's hyperactive brain cells. Something inside us tells us that, somehow, we know these recipes. We know what's in them, what we like about them, and- most importantly- what's missing to make us go from "this is nice" to "how the hell did you do this?!"

No one is born knowing how to cook. We kind of absorb these things while we're doing a million other things. But what if you stopped for a second as you bite that steak ferociously, or as you spoon a piece of cheesecake, or -simply- looked at a billboard on the street. Ask around, think of what the cook/advertiser might have thought... stop.

There's something delicious about good design. Something utterly magic, but in the end, it's all about following the right recipe and surprising your guests with a little twist.

Hi all! So we've decided to give our blog a new twist. From now on, you'll get a short, sweet, on-the-spot article every couple of days dealing with digital marketing. We'll only give you content that would inspire US, meaning you can expect a fair amount of entertainment and then a couple of practical tips. We ground our agency's strategy to theory, so you can also expect plenty of that -- but always brought to you with our laid-back, fresh voice.

Thanks for following, and stay posted because this is only getting better!

This month we're playing with the Pub's Irish nature and using the rainbow to frame the themes they've created for every day of the week. It made sense because of the 7 colors-7 days parallel. We twisted around the colors a bit to make them fit with the visual identity we crafted for each day. It feels slightly more modern than other ads in the series, so we decided to add a little bit of grunge on the background. Otherwise, it's playful, effective, and a great reminder for people to show up every day.

This month we procured graphic unity in the entire campaign, and continued with a retro color palette and simple vector shapes with a grungy feel.

So it's only been a couple of weeks, but we're loving the retro look of these standup comedy ads. We like to call them our very own rendering of "contemporary retro" a creative oxymoron that captures the essence of a traditional Irish pub with the freshness of the jokes we expect to hear.

This is what we've come up with.

We're starting 2010 with two brand new web apps: Homerun and DJMe. Homerun provides real estate agents with the opportunity to showcase properties online, and manage content through a user friendly dashboard. DJMe will allow clubbers to select their favorite songs and have the DJ play them.

If you need any more information, do not hesitate to email us at marketing@ozonelabs.us.

Meebo Bar

About this blog

Somos una agencia de mercadeo estratégico digital y diseño de software, y sabemos que suena largo - pero conócenos y entenderás. Envíanos cualquier pregunta o comentario a marketing@ozonelabs.us.

Visítanos en www.ozonelabs.com.co

We are a strategic marketing multinational, and we know that sounds long - but get to know us and you'll understand. We'll be happy to answer all your questions and comments at marketing@ozonelabs.us.

Also, visit us at www.ozonelabs.us